Welcome to YEHS

Young European Hand Surgeons

Dear Members

I am very proud and happy to be the new President of YEHS. It's a pleasure and an honor to takeover from Letizia, our out coming President (and actual vice-President), in this role.

As past-Secretary, I am well aware of the big responsibility of being President of YEHS as well as the devotion it requires

As incoming President, my goal is to keep promoting the values and aims of YEHS and grow it. First things we will work on with the new board are an update of our bylaws, to get more directly involved with FESSH and create new events similar to our first webinar of April 6th.

After the recent online election we can reveal the new YEHS board:

Vice President: Letizia Marenghi
Secretary and Head of educational/fellowship committee: Marina Brndusic
Head of Congress scientific advisory committee: Giuseppe Rovere
Head of Social Media and communication committee: Julia Ruston

I'm looking forward to working with this wonderful team, to continuously increase the number of YEHS members and to accept any advice or criticism.

Thank you,

Camillo Fulchignoni


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Download Bylaws of YEHS

Executive Board members

Marina Popovic

Clinic of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Clinical Centre of Serbia
University of Belgrade

Camillo Fulchignoni

Ortopedia e chirurgia della mano
Policlinico Gemelli
Via della Pineta Sacchetti 217, 00168, Roma

Silvia Pietramala


Head of Education Committee
Muhammet Okkan


Head of Social Media Committee
Nora Huber


Head of Scientific Committee
Anuhya Vusirkala


Standing Committees

Strategy Committee

Responsible for reviewing and advising on the long-term objectives and strategy of the association including all legal aspects.

Congress Scientific Advisory Committee

Responsible to provide appropriate advice to the Executive Board and the General Assembly regarding all scientific activities of the YEHS at the FESSH congress in alignment with the respective FESSH conference president/ planning committee.

Education/ Fellowship Committee

The Committee shall submit opinions to the Executive Board and to the General Assembly on all aspects relating to education, training and promotion of hand surgery and the exchange of knowledge e.g. through fellowships across Europe.

Social Media and Communications Committee

Responsible for maintaining the association's social media presence (e.g. Facebook page) and planning and managing all internal and external communications activities, this includes the regular (at least quarterly) distribution of the electronic "YEHS Newsletter" to all members and the Advisory Board.

Past presidents


Camillo Fulchignoni (Italy)
Letizia Maregnhi (Italy)
Inga Besmens (Switzerland)

National delegates

(to contact a national delegate please write to info@yehs.eu)

Johannes Mayer
Department of Plastic,Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery ; University Hospital St.Pölten ; Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences

Michiel Cromheecke
AZ Maria Middelares, Department of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, Buitenring-Sint-Denijs 30, Ghent

Liliya Efremova
Hand, Wrist and Peripheral Nerves Department, University Hospital, Strasbourg (FRANCE)

Czech Republic
Martin Vlach
Institute of Hand and Plastic Surgery in Vysoké nad Jizerou

Eske Brand
Hand surgery department, Slagelse Hospital


Matti Aronen
Turku university Hospital

Antoine Martins
Hand, Wrist and Peripheral Nerves Department, University Hospital, Strasbourg

Athanasios Terzis
Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, BG Trauma Center Frankfurt, Germany

Zisis Kyriazis
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma, Evaggelismos Hospital, Athens

Nora Peterfy
Department Of Traumatology and Hand Surgery of St. John Hospital 

Rachel Enright
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Specialist Registrar, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Shai Factor
Hand Surgery Unit, Orthopedic Surgery Division, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv

Francesco Maria Locatelli
ASST settelaghi di Varese S.S.D Microchirurgia e Chirurgia della Mano 

Vadim Nefjodov
Microsurgery Centre of Latvia

North Macedonia
Magdalena Manasieva
Orthopaedic Ward at "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje Republic of North Macedonia

Johanne Korslund

Marta Twardowska
Hand Surgery Department, Poznań University of Medical Sciences

Elisabete Fernanda Magalhães Ribeiro
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hospital de Braga, Braga

Andrei Popa
Colentina Clinical Hospital, Bucharest

Alexey Hentov
S Yudina City Hospital, Mosow

Marina Brndusic
Clinic of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, University of Belgrade

Sergi Alabau
icatMA (ICATME). Hospital Quiron-Dexeus, Barcelona

Hedvig Detert
Hand- and Plastic surgery department, Linköping University hospital, Sweden

Simon Roner
Hand Surgery Unit; Department of Surgery; Grisons Cantonal Hospital

The Netherlands
Mischka Kolodzynski
St Antonius Hospital Utrecht/Nieuwegein

Mert Asfuroglu
Fehmi Cumalıoğlu City Hospital, Department of Hand Surgery, Tekirdağ

Christina Lipede
Hand Department, Salfold Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester

Iurii Shamrai
Mykolaiv city hospital #4, Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery


SURVEY on Information Resources

How do we as Hand Surgeons Obtain Knowledge and Information? Does this change as we progress through different stages of training and become consultants? What Resources do we use to acquire knowledge and information?

The YEHS would be very grateful if you can help us find this out by answering our short survey (no more than 10 min) about your information sources

Open the survey

SURVEY: Publication Practice of Young Hand Surgeons

Dear Colleague,

This survey reviews publication practice among young hand surgeons. We would like to get to know which resources are available for you, but also which obstacles you face.

This information will allow us to understand how you are prepared for this part of your job and what you would need to improve your publication practice.

We are interested in how you obtain information about Hand Surgery, irrespective of you are an Orthopaedic Surgeon, a Plastic Surgeon or a Hand Surgeon.

Your participation is, and will remain, completely anonymous, but we would be grateful if you could fill in the following demographics about yourself.

Open the survey

1st YEHS Online Event

How to survive the end of residency: tips and tricks

6 April 2022 / 6:30 – 8:30pm CEST

Chairs: Jonathan Hobby (UK) – Elisabeth Haas (D)

Letizia Marenghi (YEHS President)
Alessandro Crosio (Head of Advisory Scientific Congress Committee)

Training in hand surgery: how to balance hard work, training experiences and life
Rasmus Thorkildsen (NO)

Acute ligament injuries of the wrist: management of wrist sprain (SL dissociation and ulnar corner pain)
Chihab Taleb (F)

Finger Amputation: management of early cases
Florian Früh  (CH)

How to manage complications after carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel decompression
Christina Lipede (UK)

1st IFSSH Triathlon – let us entertain you!

At the 14th IFSSH Congress in Berlin we wanted to offer a more active “social event”. Therefor due to our Vice president’s hobby of triathlon we decided to organize a fun triathlon with a sightseeing effect in the capital city.

We were surprised how many sporty hand surgeons signed up in advance for the event. Unfortunately, we had to limit the number of participants on 25 this first time for organizational reasons….

People from all over the world registered for the fun race and due to perfect weather everyone reached the finish line. Swim start was in the south of Berlin in a rather small lake named “Krumme Lanke”. 600 meters open water swim had to be overcome without wetsuit – due to a25degree water temperature. After swim exit the athletes were transported to an indoor cycling center and had to spin 20k there. Of course time was taken for all three disciplines. Afterwards cabs were ordered to take the sporty surgeons to the city center (Tiergarten) for the final run of 5k with view to the Brandenburg Gate at the finishline. The “After race party” with alcohol free german beer and Bananas in the Tiergarten was the end of a great active day with a lot of happy faces.

And the winner Nikolay Karpinsky (35 years old) from Russia was so kind to write a short report in his view:

Triathlon is like handsurgery: you should be good in different disciplines and combine your skills. It can be fast as sprint distances and long as ironman, so as handsurgery from carpal tunnel to free femoral osteochondral graft.
Triathlon is always a challenge, so is every case a surgeon does. Everyone may see your results at the end and your photos with ironman medal, but very few know about your training and learning to achive this goals.

I was very happy when I realised that i am not the only triathlete in the field. Elli did a great job to organise the event, it was true fan and competition.

This year in Berlin I failed to pass The Exam, at least I won the triathlon. See you next year in Bazel, i can pass to the new winner my tri-medal and change to FESSH-diploma :)

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Contact & Join

Thanks for your interest in YEHS. Please click on the button below and fill the form to become a member, or send us an email if you have any questions about our services or activities and we’ll get back with you very soon.

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